Maestro (Email Client)


Everyone’s waiting for the new revamped Outlook app that is supposed to be released with the WIndows 10 for phones. I would not say it has exactly copied the upcoming features; but yes to an extent Maestro does implement some of the features of the ‘Revamped Outlook’ app as shown in the preview screenshots.

In spite of that, it does a fantastic job at managing my mail. First and foremost the obvious features:

  • Multiple accounts support for Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo
  • Accent color navigational bar
  • Large navigational icons making it simple to navigate
  • Swipe to archive/delete (features shown in the Outlook preview for W10 for Phones)

What we miss in this app is the ability to swipe across tabs/menus which otherwise you have to tap and do. Navigation across the tabs above isn’t and swift as it is in the other Windows Phone apps like People, but it is smooth and productive

In all the app is elegant and efficient and we hope to see support for more email clients and custom domains.

Download : Maestro

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Swipe to Swear

Swipe to SwearWindows Phone has swipe keyboard built in. The only problem is when you try swiping a swear word. The same is true for when you’re normally typing them. Autocorrects jumps in and “ducks” up. It gets “ducking” annoying to keep retyping the word. The swipe feature learns your pattern so if you curse a lot, then swear words will not be corrected. This however requires that that word be typed too many times. A quick solution to add these words to the dictionary is the app Swipe to Swear. It adds all these words on just a toggle of a switch. That’s all that’s there in the app. “One switch to rule them all and in autocorrect bind them.” We recommend this app for all those who have cursing as an inbuilt part of their vocabulary.
Get it at

Enable Whatsapp Calling

Step-1: Install the WhatsApp apk from their site

Step-2: Navigate to data/data/com.whatsapp/shred_prefs/com.whatsapp_preferences.xml
Note: Root files access needed to be enabled.

Step-3: Add the following  within the < map > < / map >and save:
C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_whatsapp-calling-feature (10)

Step-4: Go to Settings/Apps/Whatsapp and force stop it

Step-5: Start WhatsApp again

Note: WhatsApp call servers are down, so while you get the feature you need to wait for them to be up to actually use it

Clear Focus


Try and focus on the circle above for at least 2 minutes!

You probably can’t as you are constantly distracted by the alerts constantly popping on top of your screen..

Smartphones have become an indispensable resource of our everyday life (unfortunately!). People have become so addicted to their smartphones that any moment they find, they have nothing to do they just check their smartphones. In spite of not receiving any alert or notification tone.

This becomes troublesome at work when we are distracted by the constant buzzing of our phones et al that causes us to lose focus from our primary task.. We may not realize this but overall it hampers our level of concentration and effectiveness. To deal with this new level of Smartphone Insanity this post is to your rescue.

Clear Focus, much as the name suggests helps you FOCUS 😀

Yes that’s exactly what this app does. It disables all notifications and all modes of disturbances for a preselected time as per your convenience. You can select what to disable, i.e. 1) Internet Connection and/or 2) Sounds & VIbrations. For example you can define for how long you don’t want to be disturbed, say for 45 mins! The app automatically starts a timer that persistently stays in the notification bar (also editable). You can also select the break span after the selected 45 minutes, i.e. you can selected 10 mins as a break time during which the device will enable wifi and sync your notifications. You can either continue to work after 45 mins of Clear Focus or take a break. The app pops up a notification to confirm a break!

What we love about the app is it’s material design logo, the overall aesthetics and simplicity of use and user interface. The app also offers comprehensive statistics of 1)Completed Work Sessions 2) Total Working time for the day, week and month.

Download: Clear Focus

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msft Microsoft is back with a bang!! From free Office viewer for iOS and Android to Word/Excel/PowerPoint Preview for Android Tablets, it is all over other OSes With its aim to Microsoft”IFY” android tablets comes another android App!! Picturesque It is a Lockscreen replacement for the native Android lockscreen. It is built with it’s roots entrenched in Microsoft The app offers 4 windows which you can easily and seamlessly slide through on your lockscreen, each window has its own purpose! The main screen is a simple slide up screen to unlock your device, but it also displays the current time and the battery status which comes handy.

The next screen to the right side news feed from Bing juxtaposed with Bing search and of course Microsoft App recommendations There is another screen to the left of the main lockscreen that allows you to change your lockscreen background just by swiping to the right and you can set any background fixed for a day after which it automatically changes to the new one or you can allow it to change at fixed interval of time!

It does much more than serve as a simple lockscreen replacement!! So head down to the play store and download it

Link : Picturesque

More details are available on the play store. 🙂pcituresque

Windows 10 phone

While we all were waiting for windows 10 to come, Microsoft had released phone insider. An app meant to give windows 10 on those phones who registered to preview it. However Microsoft today updated the app to windows insider. The login problems have gone and I now shows built not available. It also has a link to view phone requirements, but the page doesn’t exist….yet. This is all in preparation for its preview launch next month. We hope you are as excited as we are!!!!



PhotoScrambler lets you protect your photos from unwanted usage and distribution.

Protect your photos with personal secret code, so that only you and trusted people you give the code to, can see them. Everyone else who doesn’t know your secret code will see just random scrambled images.
With PhotoScrambler you can:
• Encode/decode JPEG and PNG photos
• Take encoded photos with built-in camera
• Share encoded photos with your friends
• Add custom photo-scrambling codes, colors and descriptions
• Choose photo size after processing *
• Define application password
* limited in FREE version of the application

Secured photos will still be saved as photos, so you can store them in your phone’s Pictures libraries, upload them on cloud servers, such as Dropbox, OneDrive or iCloud or similar. They will remain perfectly safe even if the cloud service is hacked!

Photos protected with PhotoScrambler will stay safe even if a curious friend borrows your phone, or if someone steals your phone. Not even a malicious repair person will be able to decode your photos without the code.

Users can scramble and unscramble photos directly from phone’s gallery, by selecting photos and choosing PhotoScrambler from “Share with” application list.

Most of us have used picture locker on windows phone which involves you importing pictures into the app and storing them there. PhotoScrambler is something which is more innovative. On initializing the app, you need to set a password to open the app. Once opened, you choose a photo you’d like to scramble/unscramble, use you camera to click or even share securely. Pictures are scrambled using a code which you decide. You can use this code as a template in the future or use a different one everytime. The photo can be overwritten or a new photo can be maintained which is scrambled. In the gallery you can’t view this picture as its scrambled. You need to unscramble it using the application by entering the code. Even if some one accidently gets these files, its useless as they can’t crack it( not yet at least) as you choose the code to use to scramble it. Only a brute force attack on a supercomputer may be able to crack it!!!

Get it at

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 50,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 19 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.