Quadrant Standard Edition

Converted_file_a6c07aa2Quadrant Standard is a benchmarking app i.e. you can run tests on your phone and find out the overall performance of the device to compare it with scores of other models.

This result is then compared to other devices(mostly the top notch ones) and it gives you a graph of where you stand based upon your Benchmark score.
Apart from the benchmark scores it also gives you an extremely detailed profile of your device which you may find very geeky!!

It performs the following tests:
I/O : A result of the the input output performance of your system
CPU : The processing speed of your device i.e. how fast/slow your device is
Memory : The RAM usage and capacity.
2D Graphics: (The name says it all)
3D Graphics: (The name says it all)

Play Store Link : Quandrant Standard Edition



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